← This Week in HTMX

Issue № 12: Copying Down The Dates

, Deniz Akşimşek

Our newest corporate sponsor: JetBrains

Yes, that JetBrains.


Looking for a new home for the htmx community

Discord is a black hole for information.

Ben Pate’s take on fusing forum and chat

Do you have any ideas?

missing.css progress

The missing.css website has a new font switcher. İn addition: we are looking into navbar-free navigation, because navbars are a pain.

Meanwhile, we are progressing on the front of covering all the elements.

One thing still undecided is the utility class part — if you have used utility-based CSS and have opinions about it, https://htmx.org/discord is the soapbox you’ve been looking for! Ignore that buzzıng noise. 🐝

django-htmx on Read the Docs

I’ve just released django-htmx 1.9.0. As part of this release, it now has a documentation site built with Sphinx, hosted on Read the Docs at https://django-htmx.readthedocs.io.

Check it out!


The maintainability of _hyperscript code