Blogs Corner
Ben Croker, A First Look at _hyperscript
Daniel - East TN#0482, A Tour of myPrayerJournal v3
A blog series on rewriting a web app in htmx.
[…] eliminates a host of synchronization issues with SPAs and their
associated APIs - duplicating shapes of data, ensuring calculations are in
sync, etc.
Fubarrr ↪ Re. Daniel - East TN Part 3 (post 3) is up…
“… demonstrates that htmx is a true batteries-included SPA framework” 👈
now there’s a phrase you don’t hear everyday 😁 👍 👍 1
Discord ·
November 30, 2021, 12:41 AM UTC
SirRichard#6804, Interactive zero Javascript sites with django
How to rocket-start your frontend with HTMX…
_hyperscript is looking for contributors to help with documentation
1cg […] The current docs start off with async-transparency, since that was
the interesting technical challenge we had solved just prior to writing them.
It’s very cool, but it’s not the main point of hyperscript. I’ll take another
crack at it with a “what the thing does and why you should care” perspective.
Or maybe I should let someone else write the docs?
Discord ·
December 1, 2021, 3:26 PM UTC
Would you like to become that someone else? We have amazing benefits!
a friendly community of smart programmers that don’t take themselves too
an exciting, experimental, fun-focused yet refreshingly utilitarian project
creative freedom over your work
14% raise every year (this is a volunteer job)
a maintainer that will edit your work when you’re asleep (that’s me)
(i’ll only do minor changes)
I forgot what I was talking about
RichardG launched Comedy Wham with htmx, _hyperscript and Sprig
RichardG big thanks to @Deniz Akşimşek @1cg and I’m sure i’m forgetting
someone, but finally launched a revised site over the break and couldn’t have
done it w/o help on Sprig/htmx and hyperscript! (and
the related submission form)
Discord ·
November 29, 2021, 5:19 PM UTC
HTML as a database?! To keep this html only thing going…What about a
database that stores info as nested html and then returns that data without
any processing needed to display it on the page. Like graph but strictly html
structure. HTMQL???
lllama Reminded me of this from a while back:
craigrodway Sounds like a filesystem of .html files! 😉
Deniz Akşimşek this has the wonderfully cursed advantage of being able to use
CSS as a query language 😆 4
Deniz Akşimşek I don’t think HTML as a database is the best idea, but will
defend HTML as an API
36864 We used to call this a “website”
lllama HTML as the engine of application state perhaps? 😄
byteface i’ve been toying with this idea using range requests. I wanted to
make an infinite scroller using range requests to a gigantic static dom. you
basically have to store a map of css or tag positions to bytes. currently
trying to work one in to my proxy
Discord ·
November 30, 2021, 4:57 AM UTC
Never change, HTMX Discord 💙
Johan (Commspace) is still using intercooler.js
Fubarrr @1cg is there a default intercooler history item cache limit… and/or
a way to configure the max cache entries, like we have available in htmx
(htmx.config.historyCacheSize Defaults to 10)?
1cg holy moly
1cg looks like it is permanently set to 20:
1cg we could cut a new release (!!!) to make this configurable
Discord ·
November 30, 2021, 1:56 PM UTC
They didn’t end up using a new release, since Commspace was using a custom
build anyway. However, it’s a good reminder that Intercooler is still supported
(to the extent that any non-profit open source project can be “supported”, at
bpamiri#9470 is looked into using htmx with ColdFusion
bpamiri I just came across htmx last week and am trying to consume as much
info about it as I can. I come from a ColdFusion background, using CFML (the
language on the backend) on CFWheels (a framework for CFML inspired by
Rails). I’m very excited about finding out about this project.
Discord ·
November 30, 2021, 2:04 PM UTC
💙 Welcome aboard!